From Tijuana To NYC | Mercedes Gala Talks Becoming A Singer In 2023

We got to sit down with the wonderful Mercedes Gala! Her journey to becoming a singer is inspirational, to say the least. Obstacles are meant to be overcome, she is a perfect representation of that.

The main takeaways are:






Becoming a singer in 2023 takes planning. This isn’t just diving in the deep end of a pool with some floaties on your arms. It’s more like jumping into a pit full of people reaching for the same thing right above their heads. So, how do you get that which everyone is fighting so hard for? Well, access the situation and plan. But to plan properly you need to define your purpose for becoming a singer.

Ask yourself:

Why do I want to be an artist and what am I willing to do to get there?


Sacrifice is part of the game. You’ve probably heard this while learning about success or something along those lines. I’m calling bullshit… kind of.

Mercedes’ story has expanded my understanding of sacrifice. While it is a part of this game of life, sacrifice is a choice determined by your perspective. Mercedes comes from a situation that many would say is filled with sacrifice, and in some cases, she may say the same, but during our conversation sacrifice was not brought up a single time. This is because 1) she’s no pushover and 2) to her, everything was just part of the journey. That is her perspective and it is an amazing power.

Consider what most artists and musicians have had to do to reach the pinnacle of their craft. Sleepless nights, non-stop travel, passionate work often without pay, the list goes on. To many hopeful artists, these are considered sacrifices, to the ones who make it these are considered part of life.

That said, Mercedes found her sound by leaving Tijuana, taking trips across the border daily for school in San Diago, and making a pitstop in Cuba, all before settling down at Berklee College of Music. This is where she honed her sound and solidified her foundation for becoming a singer.

So, would you consider that a story filled with sacrifice or just a journey where sacrifice is part of the game?


A key to becoming a successful singer in 2023 is finding a space where you can thrive. Now in NYC, Mercedes has endless opportunities as long as she puts in the work.

Just this year created a directory of over 120 music venues in the city. Put yourself in a location with a music scene – NYC, Nashville, Los Angeles.

This doesn’t just mean to target venues but other opportunities in the music industry as well. Mercedes dips into producing, teaching, sound, etc., all giving her more connections and networking capabilities while working on her craft.


At the end of the conversation, we got to ask Mercedes for one last piece of advice for aspiring artists. Her response:

“Even if you don’t know exactly the journey you’re going to take or the path, if you have the desire to do something, just decide that you’re going to do it and do it.”

Roadmaps and planning are necessary but those who jump in head first normally go further than those who wait and watch the water. Just set your feet [build your foundation] and go for it!

Our Interview With Mercedes Gala!

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