Making Money With Music & Finding A Passion | Interview With Lite

Making Money With Music & Finding A Passion – Lite Interview

So I interviewed a 23-year-old rapper who taught us about making money with music, as well as utilizing connections and passion to make it possible. He was basically displaced from New York to Delaware where he would live to take care of his family including his grandmother and then infant child. With all this responsibility working on maintaining his music career became extremely challenging. So he changed his perspective, used his connections to restart his career in a place where there isn’t a well-known music scene, and is working with the top artists from the area.

He goes by Lite and I sat down with him to figure out how many artists can analyze their own situation and use leverage to accomplish their goals. During this conversation, I learned three lessons that will help other artists do exactly that and are really good for anyone looking to just make developments in their life. Make sure you like the video if you find it useful, subscribe for more content, and comment down below. Now let’s start with this first lesson which is to understand your reach.

Making Money With Music & Finding A Passion – Lite Interview

Know Your Reach

One important takeaway here is understanding that no matter how many people your music reaches it will reach someone so make sure your message is strong or at least saying exactly what you want to say.

For example, some of Lite’s songs tell stories where he focuses on sharing an experience and having listeners visualize it, while others are less of a story and more so just translating his message. This works for all types of writers too. When you know exactly what message you are trying to send you can write clearly and that clarity will help you execute lesson number two which is knowing where you are and your end goal.

Making Money With Music & Finding A Passion – Lite Interview

Know Your End Goal

Lite understands where he is both in life and the music industry, and talking to him it was easy to see his maturity. He may have made it to a point where a lot of artists just starting out want to be but he knows his end goal and that this is technically just the starting line. But everyone in the music industry knows that this is a marathon.

Lite went through a lot to get where he is. From having a kid at 22, and moving from a music hotbed where you have all your family and connections to Delaware without either. Through all of this, all these obstacles and confusion, he kept his end goal in sight. Helping as many people as he can with his music even if it’s just one of his club songs. This is when I realized something, and maybe my favorite moment of the interview, that was finding out his end goal is completely different from his purpose.

Making Money With Music & Finding A Passion – Lite Interview

Know Your Purpose

If you’d ever had an end goal of your own or say running a race you wouldn’t know that sometimes just getting to the end isn’t always inspiration enough to actually get us there, and that’s where our purpose comes into play because that’s what keeps people going.

At the end of the interview, you’ll hear him talk about his son and his grandmother, and throughout this interview, he will mention his family often, that’s because, as you can probably guess, they are his purpose. Making a great life for them is why he can push through all the struggles artists go through.

So I think you already assumed the last lesson and that is to know your purpose.

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